3 Months Old!


The Jack Man is now 3 months old today!  He is just doing fabulous 🙂  He is just as snuggly as you can get. He loves to be held. His smiles are few and far between, but they will just melt your heart when you catch one. He now looks at me when I talk to him. He is a very talkative little fellow – lots of coos.  His favorite place besides your arms is his swing. He also is sucking on his hands all the time now. I am sure that if he had thumbs they would probably never be out of his mouth. He is now 12 pounds and growing!  A few updates on him:

His eye sockets are quite shallow and so do not drain fluid the way that they are supposed to so the inside membrane will often swell after a good nap (this was kind of scary until we knew what it was… but it is very manageable)

His breathing is still not great, and we have to use saline at almost every feeding so he can eat. He loves to nurse though and doesn’t skip a beat… he doesn’t seem to mind the saline since it helps him out.

He now sleeps 6 hours at night which is a nice break from every 2 hours. We have a special bassinet we’re using that puts him on an incline to allow him to breath better and have less swelling on his eyes

We meet with an ENT next wednesday for his evaluation and then hopefully get an overnight sleep study scheduled so we can be proactive regarding sleep apnea.

His shoulders are shallow and strangely fit together, so there is a good chance that he won’t be able to lift his hands above his head, but they are not fused so that is a good thing!

He can’t lift his head yet, but we’re working on it. He most likely won’t be able to until his body gets strong enough to balance his larger head… but then again – I can’t doubt Jack can I?… 

He now loves toys!  Mostly things that light up, but also toys with pretty music is fun too!  

2 thoughts on “3 Months Old!”

  1. Just wanted to say very blessed & encourage by your story. I have 2 boys & am a special education teacher I can’t imagine how you do it all. I will keep you in my prayers blessing to you & your family

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